Hi! What is your general approach to debug logging? I get the chance to develop a proof of concept using rust (embassy-rs) for our ST-based product. In our now existing C-based firmware we use classical UART logging for getting log output. I know about defmt and really like the idea which is behind defmt. I just wonder what is your approach to logging, especially considering that you might want to hook up to a device which is already "out there" and gather logs. For defmt you need to know which .elf is on the device which results in this kind of chicken-egg problem. So maybe a hybrid approach with plain string logging and defmt might be a good way to go? For now, I am using cargo-embed which I enjoy so far. However, I wonder if I could disconnect/reconnect inside the same cargo-embed session to pause and analyse the log output. If there is a lot of log output it gets kind of messy and storing a defmt log to a file is not supported by cargo-embed at the moment. Is there another debugging tool, or do you have some tips and tricks for me? Thanks :-) Sorry btw if this was already discussed somewhere. I looked around online, but I could not quite find the answer to my questions.