I _think_ i programmed a ATF1504 CPLD using the glasgow last night, is there a built in applet or flag that does a verify, or maybe the jtag-svf does a verify on its own? (basically i'm trying to reproduce this pdp11 memory card https://www.5volts.ch/pages/qbusmemory/qbusmemory/) the first time I ran the applet i got an error, but the second time it didn't say anything ``` (venv) [aaron@zerocool git]$ glasgow run jtag-svf --pin-tck 0 --pin-tms 1 --pin-tdi 2 --pin-tdo 3 -V 5 afterburner/utils/jtag/qbus.svf I: g.device.hardware: device already has bitstream ID d7e2b292d71c1323925868e1ca0d6f1d I: g.cli: running handler for applet 'jtag-svf' I: g.applet.interface.jtag_svf: port(s) A, B voltage set to 5.0 V E: g.applet.interface.jtag_svf: SDR command failed: TDO <#00000000000000000000000000000000> & <#11111111111101110111111111111111> != <#11111100000000100000101010000000> (venv) [aaron@zerocool git]$ glasgow run jtag-svf --pin-tck 0 --pin-tms 1 --pin-tdi 2 --pin-tdo 3 -V 5 afterburner/utils/jtag/qbus.svf I: g.device.hardware: device already has bitstream ID d7e2b292d71c1323925868e1ca0d6f1d I: g.cli: running handler for applet 'jtag-svf' I: g.applet.interface.jtag_svf: port(s) A, B voltage set to 5.0 V ```