``` ➜ workspace glasgow run jtag-openocd --port A --pin-tck 3 --pin-tms 2 --pin-tdi 1 --pin-tdo 5 --pin-trst 4 --pin-srst 6 -V 3.3 tcp:localhost:33333 I: g.device.hardware: generating bitstream ID 777a25076211df4980685f6be1827fe4 I: g.cli: running handler for applet 'jtag-openocd' I: g.applet.interface.jtag_openocd: port(s) A voltage set to 3.3 V I: g.applet.interface.jtag_openocd: socket: listening at tcp:localhost:33333 ``` where the pins are simply connected in sequence, starting at pin2 on the target header. Pin 1 is Vcc, and pin 10 is GND, so the 8 pins of the glasgow fit nicely in between 🙂