does someone have experience with [CEVA's FSM300 IMU]( would you recommend it? it seems to contain a BNO08X (presumably BNO085 or BNO086; though it doesn't say so explicitly).
[there are three crates]( which match `bno08`, however one is just an empty placeholder and the other have also not been updated in a long time.
[there's a C driver from the manufacturer](, though i don't know how easy to use that one is.

note: i don't necessarily have to use rust for this - C++ would also be fine if there's no rust driver. i "just" need to read the data and publish it on a ROS2 topic (so this is also running on an SBC with linux, not a small MCU).

based on the description i like BNO085 (& co.) as they do all the sensor fusion heavy lifting on the chip and you get the final values, making the driver side much leaner.