"I am updating a driver to..." <- > <@shakencodes:matrix.org> I am updating a driver to embedded-hal 1.0 and am having difficulties with the matching version of embedded-hal-mock. The driver is given ownership of the the i2c::I2c device, so in test contexts the driver owns and eventually destroys the mock. The current version of embedded-hal-mock has added a check to make sure .done() is called on the mock. The driver's existing test suite performs .destroy().done() on the sensor (with a test-suite specific destroy() function). The sensor's new() function returns an Error result if it is given an incorrect address in its parameter list, and there is no resulting sensor object to call destroy on. In this case, I have no idea how to get to the mock to call done() on it. > @dbrgn: Is there a way to make the "done not called" warning coming out of embedded_hal_mock "expected" in the specific test case, so that it doesn't end up failing the test suite? > Here is the failure: https://github.com/Radiator-Labs/mlx9061x-rs/actions/runs/9104910268/job/25029588644 (This is a fork of a driver by eldruin ) Ah, interesting use case. Could you open a GitHub issue?