"Hey guys! I am currently looking..." <- > <@alex.gasbarroni:matrix.org> Hey guys! I am currently looking at upgrading from the nRF52840 (single-core) to the nRF5340 (multi-core). > I understand that having 2 cores: 1 for bluetooth (C zepyhr or apache-mynewt) and 1 for application (Rust Embassy) is possible. However I don't know how to handle IPC (Inter Processor Communication). Does anybody have any experience on multicore Rust embedded? Couldn't find OpenAMP bindings or any Rust alternative I've not done it myself, but the principle is that you put some data in a shared ram section. In principle this can be a normal heapless lock-free queue. That's all you need. The IPC can enhance it by causing an interrupt to happen in the other core. That can be used to signal to the core that data has been updated and should be read again. If you don't use IPC, you're just gonna need to poll it