I'm getting errors to this effect:

note: required by a bound in `SerialPort`
  --> C:\Users\the_a\.cargo\registry\src\index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f\usbd-serial-0.2.0\src\serial_port.rs:15:8
13 | pub struct SerialPort<'a, B, RS = DefaultBufferStore, WS = DefaultBufferStore>
   |            ---------- required by a bound in this struct
14 | where
15 |     B: UsbBus,
   |        ^^^^^^ required by this bound in `SerialPort`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `stm32_hal2::usb::UsbBus<Peripheral>: usb_device::bus::UsbBus` is not satisfied
   --> src\main.rs:88:28
88  | static mut USB_BUS: Option<UsbBusAllocator<UsbBusType>> = None;
    |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `usb_device::bus::UsbBus` is not implemented for `stm32_hal2::usb::UsbBus<Peripheral>`