Hi guys! Noob question on Postcard...i am using a cobs accumulator to deserialize a simple struct like: ```Rust pub struct Message { pub msg_type: MsgKind, pub msg: [u8; 32], } ``` Works like a charm, but there's a kind of message that tells me that next data on uart is data to be accumulated and could be up to 256 bytes of data (cobs style). From what i see is that I cannot add a third array of 256 bytes in the struct because serde does not ser/des kind of [T:x] with x > 32, so if I want to accumulate cobs coming as data ( i know how much they are ) i can use another round of feed ```Rust cobs_buf.feed::(window) ``` but using not Message but something else? Or just have another loop with uart rx accumulating data until i got all ? Thanks!