"The choice of voltmeter/..." <- > <@reitermarkus:matrix.org> The choice of voltmeter/ammeter is not arbitrary. ADCs either measure voltage or current. Of course this then mostly needs to be converted into some other unit, e.g. temperature. The point is you can then implement a sensor driver using any ADC, as long as it supports the required voltage/current range for the sensor. > > Also, whether you see these traits as arbitrary depends on your definition of ADCs. I guess you could argue many sensors are ADCs and vice-versa, so maybe a separate `embedded-adc` or `embedded-sensor` crate makes sense for these traits. I'm not really following. Context: I make and sell a power module that has 14 ADC inputs that are all voltage and current measurements. What advantage would this provide over the register reading -> voltage -> interpreted voltage (optionally calibrate as another step)?