"> <@adoerr:matrix.org> > My..." <- > <@random-task:matrix.org> I have some counter-view to this. A FOSS tool that has a large presence (an extreme case: linux), then it is taking up a not-insignificant volume with respect to attention, development resources, support, etc. I've run into some projects where the over-inflated and fragile egos of the BDFL project owners have compromised the landscape as a whole. > > Now, I'm with you 100% that things are different when people are volunteering their time, skills, etc. Where I push back at is the notion that just because they are not being paid, doesn't mean they should be considered immune to any form of accountability. As a community, we have to be even more diligent, because we can't just take our money elsewhere. > > In a way: If you find yourself making ego-centric decisions under the guise of "well i do this for free, so who are you to make demands", and your project stifles other meaningful work, then, well, I have zero respect, to put it politely. > > For me, the true heroes of FOSS are those that work maintain the integrity and community-first standards of the projects they are involved in. Extreme disagree. You don't owe accountability to anyone just because you posted some code on github and someone decided to use it for free