Ralph[m]: > <@rursprung:matrix.org> i've done it like this, that works: https://github.com/rust-embedded-community/tb6612fng-rs/pull/51/commits/f93d2e8122f1217031fc9800349ab3affbe7b561 > > but as written: i cannot implement `cause` if i'm not enforcing the HAL errors to also implement `core::error::Error`. and if i do that then my implementation of the `Error` trait is useless without the HALs also implementing it as the trait bound will not be satisfied for the `impl` > but yeah, the crate can still be used, just not the `Error` part (for a moment i thought that it wouldn't compile at all, but of course it still compiles as long as you don't want to use the `Error` trait impl). so i guess it'd be ok and anyone wanting to use the `Error` trait impl can "just" implement it in the HAL and then use the updated HAL? `cause` is deprecated btw