I am going to ask my post-meeting question now as it is not time sensitive. In February I wrote a proposed RFC. Before submitting it I asked Catherine to review since she could identify issues early. She found a very significant issue, which is: I did not explain how it would be implemented. The change would require an architectural change. Unfortunately, I do not think I understand the amaranth internals adequately to come up with the architectural change. I planned to read the code until I understood it, but it has been four months and I have not done this. So I think I need to ask for help. Here is my proto-RFC: https://github.com/mcclure/amaranth-rfcs/blob/domain-consolidate/text/0000-domain-consolidate.md The short version: "Module" has three fields, "d", "domain", and "domains". "domain" is undocumented, and is an alias for "d". The three represent the same information basically, but "domains" is used for *writing*/creating new domains, and "d" is used for *reading* domains. This interface does not seem to have been planned and is very, very confusing. There's no obvious mnenmonic to remember "domains for writing, d for reading". My proposed solution is to merge them into a single object, which you can either read from or write into. This will probably require some python Shenanigans. Is there anyone who is already familiar with the domain/domains/d implementation code who would be interested in co-authoring the rest of the RFC with me?