- copy this directory https://github.com/embassy-rs/embassy/tree/main/examples/nrf52840 Make sure to copy ALL files. including `.cargo/config.toml` and `build.rs`. - in `Cargo.toml`, remove all `path`s - add a section like this at the bottom of `Cargo.toml` ```toml [patch.crates-io] embassy-futures = { git = "https://github.com/embassy-rs/embassy", rev = "88146eb53e40ea2ab43c2db77f3f62c6d08c9b36" } embassy-sync = { git = "https://github.com/embassy-rs/embassy", rev = "88146eb53e40ea2ab43c2db77f3f62c6d08c9b36" } ... etc, for every crate that had a `path` ``` - You now have a standalone project. You should be able to run stuff like `cargo run --release --bin blinky`