* I'm back at USB HID, made some progress but now am puzzled why it behaves the way it does. code is here [https://codeberg.org/nayala/debugging-firmware ](https://codeberg.org/nayala/debugging-firmware/commit/e8774ca4501d468fd6f60aef0a46caea39a4e4df) I'm reading 12 bit values from the adc and want to report 2 axis. one axis reports as expected, the other one doesn't. to make sure I use the very same input of one axis also for the other. One axis increases as expected, the other one, which gets rn fed from the same input (variable `floodLT`) increases but at 16 times the value as it should and as the other axis does... obviously then causing an overflow as it's not expected to report something exceeding 4095 or 2^12 - 1 any idea what could cause this behavior?