I have a issue I thought I should post here since it seems to go deeper than just Embassy: I am continuing on my journey to find the shortest interrupt latency I can using the embassy executor, I got my hands on an STM32-H743ZI dev board...the chip on here can run at 480 MHz, using the STM32CubeIDE, I got the clock configuration I needed and it should be running at the max speed. From the defmt trace logs I can confirm the sysclock is getting set to the 480 MHz max. I then disabled all logging and reran to make sure logging wasn't affecting the timing. However, here is where it gets strange...the interrupt latency is slower than the L4 chip (which ran at 80 MHz and ~5 us latency), and I am seeing ~20 us latency, with no change other than the RCC config to set up. Is there something else I need to do on the H7 to get it kicking? I couldn't see anything in particular in the examples directory. I even tried both using rtic and bare metal (just the `stm32h7xx_hal`) and I am still seeing around the same latency. I must be doing something very wrong here to get such slow latency especially compared to he L4