"> <@ainedixon:matrix.org> Hi..." <- > <@rursprung:matrix.org> ainedixon: are you already familiar with rust? if not i'd highly recommend that you first work through [the rust book](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/). while not everything will be equally useful to you in embedded programming (you won't often have the standard library and an OS underneath in the embedded world) it's a great way to get into rust. > after that you can also just grab your board and check some examples for that online (HALs generally ship with various examples and if you want to use RTIC or embassy they also have examples). then it's just mix & match from there on. get your LED blinking (yay, you just booted your board and used an `OutputPin`!), then make it stop blinking if you press a button (and now you're using an `InputPin`!), log some data (probably using defmt) and start using whatever peripherals you have / need (which'll lead you to using I2C, SPI, etc.) > i also took that route and didn't work through the embedded book > if you have an arduino you can check e.g. [avr-hal](https://github.com/Rahix/avr-hal) which also comes with a bunch of examples Thank you very much Ralph: Let me go this way, I like to attack anything in such a manner. I am already familiar with rust guided by the book