I'm writing a quick proof-of-concept embassy firmware for an stm32u5 with the adin1110 single-pair-ethernet (SPE) chip. I'm a little stuck and welcome any eyes on the code and suggestions. It currently panics because the MCU reading the SPI bus from the SPE chip gets mostly zeroes instead of the expected magic number. This is typical "SPI not configured correctly" behavior, but I've run out of things to try. There's working C++ code, so I know hardware's not the issue. - My main file calls `embassy_net_adin1110::new` [here](https://github.com/towynlin/bm-mote-rs-poc1/blob/652901ecf082f27713d330dc29fa51ad8b88225f/src/main.rs#L220). - That calls `ADIN1110::read_reg` [here](https://github.com/embassy-rs/embassy/blob/2b031756c6d705f58de972de48f7300b4fdc673c/embassy-net-adin1110/src/lib.rs#L626) to get the PHYID. - And that returns an error on a CRC check [here](https://github.com/embassy-rs/embassy/blob/2b031756c6d705f58de972de48f7300b4fdc673c/embassy-net-adin1110/src/lib.rs#L162) which gets unwrapped, causing the panic. Instead of a valid PHYID and CRC, the `rx_buf` is always `[0, 0, 0, 1, 0]`. Anybody care to nudge me in a helpful direction? Much appreciated!