"adamgreig: for the meeting..." <- > <@vollbrecht:matrix.org> adamgreig: for the meeting tomorrow i would like to add a topic if it would fit into it. Is there already a place where it could be added? > > We in (esp-hal / esp-idf-hal) want to touch on a topic around "embedded-svc". We would appreciate some feedback especially from other projects that also provide networking / storage in some form. ( rp2040 / embassy etc). In short its about the future of the crate itself. Here is the current relevant [issue](https://github.com/esp-rs/embedded-svc/issues/72) since you mention heapless there (and the last comment by @mabez mentions removing it from the API unless there's a heapless 1.0) it might make sense to discuss getting heapless to 1.0 as well: https://github.com/rust-embedded/heapless/issues/410 (which is blocking a bunch of libraries at this point, e.g. AFAIK James Munns' `postcard` also suffers from the lack of a stable heapless release; and my own - completely irrelevant - small library would benefit from it as well 🙂)