"Well, the goal is to never..." <- > <@diondokter:matrix.org> Well, the goal is to never have a 2.0 (or at least not for a time much longer than a year or two), so this is unlikely to happen. > > Also, while the trait itself doesn't enforce it, the implementors can still implement it and the users can still require it. > So the gain is very likely not worth it. > I'd say that doing it now would be less pain than in 2 years haha should this be a general recommendation that people start implementing it now and start requiring it where they have generics for other errors? this would mean that crates which do this can only be used with HALs (& other crates) which also implement `core::error::Error`, forcing a quick rush to implement this through the embedded ecosystem (at least for crates which are being used). if i only do this in my crate and nobody else does it it'll just mean that my crate can't be used anymore 😅