``` [dirbaio@venus root]$ probe-rs info --probe 0483:3754:0021003D3033510135393935 Probing target via JTAG WARN probe_rs::probe::stlink: send_jtag_command 242 failed: JtagUnknownJtagChain Error identifying target using protocol JTAG: An error with the usage of the probe occurred Probing target via SWD WARN probe_rs::probe::stlink: send_jtag_command 242 failed: SwdApWdataError ARM Chip with debug port Default: Debug Port: DPv2, Designer: STMicroelectronics, Part: 0x4850, Revision: 0x1, Instance: 0x00 ├── 0 MemoryAP │ └── Error during access: The debug probe encountered an error. └── 1 MemoryAP └── ROM Table (Class 1), Designer: STMicroelectronics ├── ROM Table (Class 1), Designer: ARM Ltd │ ├── Cortex-M4 SCS (Generic IP component) │ │ └── CPUID │ │ ├── IMPLEMENTER: ARM Ltd │ │ ├── VARIANT: 1 │ │ ├── PARTNO: Cortex-M7 │ │ └── REVISION: 2 │ ├── Cortex-M3 DWT (Generic IP component) │ ├── Cortex-M7 FBP (Generic IP component) │ └── Cortex-M3 ITM (Generic IP component) ├── Cortex-M7 ETM (Coresight Component) └── Coresight Component, Part: 0x0906, Devtype: 0x14, Archid: 0x0000, Designer: ARM Ltd