"Adam Hott If you use `arm-none-..." <- > <@tiwalun:matrix.org> Adam Hott If you use `arm-none-eabi-readelf -e`, you can see the actual sections and program headers, which is a bit more helpful. > > You don't need a separate memory.x, the hal already provides that: https://github.com/nrf-rs/nrf-hal/tree/master/nrf52833-hal > > But you need to link the `link.x` script from the cortex-m crate, so you need to the entry in `.cargo/config` from memory.x to link.x. Thanks so much tiwalun , you helped tremendously! I updated the example to use rtt_target and panic_rtt_target, then changed the buttonapressed and buttonbpressed match arms to use rprintln! and it now correctly outputs to the terminal window when the buttons are pressed. The final working example is here: https://github.com/CodingInGreen/microbit_buttons_v2