So, I've hit the end of the time that I can spend on this, I could use help from anyone that can help debug. *something* is going wrong, and I think it is with LLVM LTO'ing virtual functions. CC Peter Hansen: ``` ; This is in the formatter for Option::None. LAB_000024ca 000024ca 00 f0 73 fb bl OUTLINED_FUNCTION_14 ; calls into: ; at this point, LR = 24CF 00002bb4 d1 e9 05 01 ldrd r0,r1,[r1,#0x14] 00002bb8 04 22 movs r2,#0x4 00002bba cb 68 ldr r3,[r1,#0xc] 00002bbc 70 47 bx lr 000024ce 03 49 ldr r1,[DAT_000024dc] 000024d0 18 47 bx r3 ; calls into: 00000b74 80 b5 push {r7,lr} 00000b76 6f 46 mov r7,sp 00000b78 00 68 ldr r0,[r0,#0x0] 00000b7a 0a 44 add r2,r1 00000b7c 00 f0 54 f8 bl _ZN132_$LT$alloc..vec..Vec$LT$T$C$A$GT$$u20$as 00000b80 00 20 movs r0,#0x0 00000b82 80 bd pop {r7,pc} ; returns back to 000024ce!!!! ; r3 is clobbered at this point, goes to garbage