I might not be able to be here all meeting, for the agenda today: * Nothing new re: council, tho the meeting is this week, so if there are any relevant items for me to forward on to the council, lemme know. * Re: resources team, we've received a PR for adding commercially available books ("Simplified Embedded Rust" books from apollo labs): https://github.com/rust-embedded/awesome-embedded-rust/pull/453 * To date, we've not had any "paid only" material on the list * We HAVE had "paid adjacent" material, e.g. training material from Ferrous, TweedeGolf, etc., where the MATERIAL was public, but was for commercial purposes * IMO the choices are: * We codify that we don't accept private commercial items * We set up a separate section for paid material, and merge this PR in that section Re: paid material, I'm personally in favor of "have a separate section for it"