"One other bit of advice: Rust..." <- > <@9names:matrix.org> One other bit of advice: Rust isn't the only game in town, others have managed to successfully use these boards. > It usually pays off to look at how others configure your device to help verify your settings are correct. > For example, the zephyr folks do not have the same power configuration for the two boards you mentioned: > > https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/blob/main/boards/arm/arduino_portenta_h7/arduino_portenta_h7_m7_defconfig > https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/blob/main/boards/arm/arduino_giga_r1/arduino_giga_r1_m7_defconfig > > Check the values they use against the chip reference manual and the board docs you have before trying them, or you might end up with another board you can't use I managed to recover the device, by flashing the original Mbed bootloader back, then flashing my code on top. Also the datasheet for STM32H747XI page 18 describes the need for VOS0 in the "boosted" performance mode (also needs an LDO, which the GIGA R1 WiFI board has). So I don't think it is invalid; but it does seem this power config can get corrupted.