with the e-h 1.0 release just around the corner i think it'd be good if the `cortex-m` crate would add support for it as well (it currently has e-h 0.2 support for `Delay`). a year ago there was an attempt for it, however the delay-API has been completely revamped since, so i think this PR can just be closed: https://github.com/rust-embedded/cortex-m/pull/444 the current implementation is based on us delays, however the new 1.0 API is based on ns delays. for `avr-hal` i created an ugly workaround (if anyone wants to improve on that: please do!): https://github.com/Rahix/avr-hal/pull/470/files#diff-13f80ee8a8e578d34536d74ced6f2f87a03af1b541b7f7c89be990dfced8cb51R284-R301 i wonder if the same should be done as a first step for `cortex-m` or if somebody can immediately come up with a proper implementation? the other question would be whether it should migrate from e-h 0.2 to 1.0 (dropping 0.2 support) or whether it should have both in parallel for a while until the ecosystem has migrated? i feel that if everyone keeps 0.2 support in then none of the users will have a big incentive to migrate their code. so maybe a few central crates dropping 0.x support soon wouldn't be the worst thing to happen (old versions of them will still be around which can be used if absolutely necessary). (i don't even have a cortex-m lying around right now, so i can't do it)