Trying to setup probe-rs and got a problem with my binary path when I try to run: ``` Invalid program binary file specified '"C:\\Users\\impor\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Microsoft VS Code\\./target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/debug/test-bluepill"' ``` Looks like it's concatenated my relative `programBinary` path with the path to VSCode. Any ideas? This is my launch config: ``` { "preLaunchTask": "Cargo Build (debug)", "type": "probe-rs-debug", "request": "launch", "name": "probe_rs Executable Test", "chip": "STM32F103C8T6", // Target "coreConfigs": [ { "programBinary": "./target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/debug/test-bluepill", // Binary path "coreIndex": 0, // ... ... "rttEnabled": true, "rttChannelFormats": [ { "channelNumber": 0, // Format RTT data as String data "dataFormat": "String", // Include host-side timestamps for every line of data transferred from the target RTT output "showTimestamps": true }, { "channelNumber": 1, // Treat data as raw binary data, and do not format in any way "dataFormat": "BinaryLE" } ] } ] } ```