📣 we're looking for help testing a new version of `probe-rs` using the `nusb` crate (pure Rust replacement for libusb, fixes lots of pains for example around cross-compilation). If you use probe-rs (either the CLI or lib) we'd appreciate if you can give it a test and report whether it works or not! For probe-rs CLI: `cargo install probe-rs --features cli --git https://github.com/Dirbaio/probe-rs --branch nusb` For probe-rs lib: `probe-rs = { git = "https://github.com/Dirbaio/probe-rs", branch = "nusb" }` If you test it out, please report in the PR what OS and probe you used, and the result. in particular it'd be great to see MacOS and Windows testing! https://github.com/probe-rs/probe-rs/pull/1842