* Hi everyone, Seeking for help with writing custom applets from community here 🙂 Self-contained applets I wrote for glitching seems to work (as well as blinky), but this time I would like to write something with fifo. The idea is pretty simple, I push bits in script over fifo and turn on/off related U1-U5 LEDs accordingly. For example ``` await iface.write([0b00001]) # enable U1 time.sleep(2) await iface.write([0b10000]) # enable U5 ``` This is the code (screenshot attached) I came up with so far, but for some reason it only shows last value (0b10000) after delay. Which makes me think I totally miss how run/interact logic works for Glasgow. I could not find any docs about that and really appreciate if someone can explain to me what I am missing. Thanks in advance!