"hey there! does anyone know if..." <- > <@onkoe:matrix.org> hey there! does anyone know if there's an on-going effort to get `avr-hal` working with `embedded-hal@1.0.0-r3`? i have a small library crate that i just ported to the new `embedded-hal` (since it's releasing soon), but i'd really like to test with my Arduino before i even commit + push the branch. > > as-is, the stable version of `avr-hal` uses the old `spi` implementation. however, with the new `embedded-hal`, i need an `SpiDevice` implementation instead! > > i have `embedded-hal-mock@0.10.0-rc.4` working just fine. however, i'd like to make sure it's all still good by testing it with real hardware :) onkoe: i read your message and let's say i was a bit bored this morning (or rather: needed an excuse to not do other things 😅) so i got started on it: https://github.com/Rahix/avr-hal/pull/470 as written in the PR: i won't add more than that since i don't have any peripherals lying around (e.g. can't test SPI) and also don't really have any vested interest in using this myself. but i hope that this helps to get things started (and i consider it a nice exercise 🙂)