"i plan to create a new 0.3..." <- > <@rursprung:matrix.org> i plan to create a new 0.3 release of `tb6612fng` (a motor driver crate for the chip of that name + probably other similar H-bridges) since i just realised that i haven't released the e-h 1.0 support yet (even though i was quite early in adding it) 🙈 ([full changelog](https://github.com/rust-embedded-community/tb6612fng-rs/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)) > > the reason to not release 1.0 is listed in [the tracking issue](https://github.com/rust-embedded-community/tb6612fng-rs/issues/4) > in short: nobody took the time so far to go through the checklist and tick everything off + the `defmt` dependency is still at 0.x (anyone from `defmt` around? i'm still looking forward to that 1.0 release or at least an update on [the roadmap issue](https://github.com/knurling-rs/defmt/issues/795) 😉) > > since this is in r-e-c: is it ok if i go ahead with this or does anyone see something else which should land in 0.3? > is there a recommended way for releasing r-e-c hosted crates (i.e. a GHA?) or is it fine if i just fire off the release locally and push the commit + tag directly (or, if there's branch protection in place - don't remember right now - a PR)? i think we got a bit sidetracked with the v0.3 vs v1.0 release discussion. the main reason (if we ignore the `defmt` dependency/discussion) for me to not do v1.0 right now is because somebody needs to go through the checklist to make sure that everything is fulfilled (and i don't really have time for that right now). so the main question is regarding release process: can i just release locally (as i used to) and then push the commit + tag or does r-e-c have other processes/requirements?