is anyone successfully using a BNO055 IMU with an ESP32 (or another microcontroller)? i missed the big warning [on the adafruit page](

> The BNO055 I2C implementation violates the I2C protocol in some circumstances. This causes it not to work well with certain chip families. It does not work well with Espressif ESP32, ESP32-S3, and NXP i.MX RT1011, and it does not work well with I2C multiplexers. Operation with SAMD51, RP2040, STM32F4, and nRF52840 is more reliable.

i didn't manage to get it to work with the `bno055` crate.

i've now tried using the UART mode ([mentioned here]( - for which there's no crate available - but i'm not getting any response from the IMU (i've wired up `PS1` to `VIN` to put it into UART mode).

i haven't tested it yet with other microcontrollers (based on the comment it should work with my STM32F4 & RP2040)