i have a question about probes: so far i've always used STM32 nucleo boards or arduino uno boards where i didn't need a separate probe. recently i've now bought an RPi Pico W which you can flash without a probe but you can't debug it without one (and thus also no RTT output; though i guess i could just let defmt print to serial and read that via USB - i'd just have to flash + read separately and probably miss the first log entries since the device reboots after flashing and uses the USB port for file transfer during flashing?). i also thought about buying an ESP32-C6 (just as with the RPi Pico: i have no reason to buy one, i just thought it might be nice to have one lying around to play around with it at some point 😅). now i'm wondering what i should do in terms of probes: should i just get a 2nd RPi Pico and use that as a probe (either with picoprobe or with the source of the probe-rs one)? or should i get the one from probe-rs? what would be the advantage of the latter? and how do you do it with the probe connector for the RPi Pico? i (accidentally) bought the board without headers and have now soldered the normal headers to it but not yet a connector for the three probe pins - i can either solder a normal header there (to connect with jumper wires) or [this header](https://www.digikey.ch/en/products/detail/jst-sales-america-inc/BM03B-SRSS-TBT/1828498), though i'm not sure where to then find a matching cable (esp. in case i'd just get a 2nd RPi Pico - then i'd need a cable with this connector on one end and normal pins on the other?) do you have any recommendations? note: this is for private DIY projects, so i'm not looking for an expensive probe (though i'm also not sure which advantages are more expensive probe would have?).