"Hello. Im trying to start with..." <- > <@holo:matrix.org> Hello. Im trying to start with Embeded Rust (and rust at all again from some long time) on RP5. I wanted to start with DHT22 sensor and try just to use example from here: https://github.com/michaelfletchercgy/dht22\_pi/blob/master/examples/display.rs > > What i understand this crate is using rppal (https://github.com/golemparts/rppal) which according to description on readme mentionning its supporting RP5 too. But when i will compile this example and try to start it im getting: `Err(Gpio(UnknownModel))`. Any advices what im doing wrong or maybe there is some better RP for starting with learning embeded rust (RP Zero 2? i see its supproted by rppal too) Hi there! So from my understanding the Raspberry Pi 5's chip is different than what the embedded rust crate's support.