"> <@jamesmunns:beeper.com> I..." <- > <@birdistheword99:matrix.org> I have the opposite problem, I have just completed a 4 week assessment of embedded rust at my work and have kind of fallen in love with it, mainly because unlike C, I spent more time thinking about the logic of my program rather than 'How' its implemented and whether each design decision is safe code. The rust compiler makes me feel a lot more confident about the code that's been written. > > However, next week I have to convince management that embedded rust is worth the initial effort of training our existing team (who all know C and C++) and the existing shared libraries that would need to be re-written for new projects in rust. The company has been going for 30 years and supplies all of the GNSS and Automotive testing market (everyone from VW/Audi to NASA), and we are already overloaded with work, so its a big decision to take on support for another language. > > I have already got the sense that they are not keen, mainly because there isn't a lot of 'real world success stories' they could find online about companies who have switched to rust. They are also concerned that we mainly use ST and NXP based chips and those vendor don't currently provide native rust support. > > We are planning a push to hire a load of new devs to the Firmware team and if I can convince them that embedded rust is the way forward then we would be looking for people with existing rust experience (or willingness to learn it). HQ is in the UK but has offices in Europe and USA. > > I am planning to point them towards the excellent TweedeGolf website (Shout-out to diondokter and the rest of the team) but am struggling to find more publicly available examples of companies who are writing embedded code in rust. > > If anyone has any links or info they could provide, or even any advice on how they convinced their boss to take a chance on rust, it would be greatly appreciated! incremental migration might help? are there new development areas that could use rust as an example?