Hello! I am new to embedded stuff, and I am currently a little lost on how to proceed with my project. 😢 I am working on audio dsp project with Daisy Seed (STM32H750Ixx) and managed to make a working PoC with bells and whistles, but now I am practically maxing out all the internal flash on the MCU (128k) and the binary size is likely to grow even further. This is with all the binary optimizations I could find. It is also annoying not being able to debug, since even the simplest programs tend to max out flash as well. I noticed that the board has the QSPI Flash and it is also defined in the `memory.x` and I was thinking of perhaps storing the program there instead. I am not sure if I am going to suffer performance-wise yet (with XiP, ART, etc), but wanted to at least see and try to do it. AFAIK now I need a bootloader to init the QSPI, setup XiP and then run the program from there. I found a thread here from July where it is possible to do it with ST bootloader, and provide the rust binary from QSPI flash, but I wonder if I am going to hit the same issues with clocks and other fun activities. I am also using rtic, and wonder how that would behave as well. Would it make sense to write my own simple bootloader in this case or it is a terrible idea as a beginner? Thank you in advance! ☺️