I can't seem to get the simulator to work as expected. Could I get some help? My code is here: https://github.com/mcclure/amaranth-project run instructions in run.txt, design in src/counter.py, simulator in src/simulate.py I'm trying to simulate holding a button for some frames, and verifying that the counter i'm using to debounce believes that the button remains held for 16 frames after it actually is But I can't get the part of "simulate holding a button" to work, and my design is (correctly, because the button is never pressed) doing nothing I am injecting the button into the design / traces= in a way which is different from how this chat recommended I do it last night, I don't know if this creates problems: https://github.com/mcclure/amaranth-project/blob/main/src/simulate.py#L7 but i tried it a different, less sketchy way first and that didn't work either