andresovela[m]: > <> Hi, I'm looking for advice, maybe someone here has a good idea for me :) > > I have a Rust library that I want to use in a C project. I use cbindgen to generate a header file. The Rust library has let's say features `a`, `b`, and `c`, which let's say are 3 different algorithms to do something. I'd like to compile the library once with cargo, and then be able to use it in a C project by linking the library and somehow using a compile definition to toggle the features using the C compiler, i.e. I don't want to force the library user to recompile the library using cargo if they want to compile an algo out. Is this possible at all? Not sure how you'd do that. But you could include all algos and if it's statically linked, the unused algos will be optimized away