"> <@aurindam:matrix.org> Slint..." <- > <@aurindam:matrix.org> But in your case, I believe the GPL should be also OK. > > I assume that the device on which the display runs is not being distributed (since its installed in your own spa), the software stack remains inhouse and you don’t need to provide source code. > > So you should be able to use Slint for free in this case. Indeed, while I am thinking of maybe selling it as a kit or making it open source hardware if it works really well, but for now the main goal is just running it on my own spa, no distribution, while I develop it further. The thing with slint is that it seems really slick. I am curious, do you have plans to support the new GPU that is included in the stm32h7rs series? I am using one of those stm32s in the hope of one day getting good GUI performance, although I might more to something with better rust support as it's very hacky atm