"Hey diondokter I'm giving `..." <- > <@korken89:matrix.org> Hey diondokter I'm giving `sequential_storage` a try but am hitting a snag you might have worked around before. The STM32L4 I'm testing on does not allow for the `MultiwriteNorFlash` trait bound. > > > The Flash memory is programmed 72 bits at a time (64 bits + 8 bits ECC). > > Programming in a previously programmed address is not allowed except if the data to write > > is full zero > > Is there someway to relax this bound or is it critical? > After checking a few STM32 datasheets it seems like this multiwrite feature in not well supported unfortunately. :( Hi yeah, it doesn't work on the H7 either. So the problem is that one 4-byte field in the header must be set to 0 to erase an item. But yeah, your word size is 8-byte. The way your flash works is not in accordance with the multiwrite trait. So you're out of luck now. One thing that could be done is adding something to s-s to let it put that 4-byte word in a word of its own. Then that whole word could be written 0 and it might work then at the cost of more padding