"Yeah I mostly agree: I was..." <- > <@purepani:matrix.org> Yeah I mostly agree: I was just saying that as a general statement and to give examples. > I think there was one permissions thing that tripped me up when I was first using probe-rs, and took me a bit to actually solve, but aside from that it was a relatively smooth experience. > > It was just more to make the point of time to a hello world run from nothing is probably a decent metric to evaluate against. my usual strategy to avoid dealing with the permissions problem on linux is to tell people to install openocd when installing probe-rs - most people know how to install a package with their distro's package manager, and the distro packages it with udev rules for cmsis-dap/ftdi/stlink and the post-install step will get udevadm to reload the configs, eliminating the need to explain it.