Heya friends! I am relatively new to embedded (tho have done arduino etc), but well versed with rust and most other programming stuff. Currently struggling with an esp32 devboard I've successfully flashed with esp-rs (https://github.com/esp-rs) I have successfully: - flashed ✅ - gotten it to create a wifi AP ✅ - connect to the wifi AP (dhcp works, all that fun stuff) ✅ - spun up a web server ✅ My current issue however is that: - webserver does not respond 😭 All code runs successful (im running the example code from https://github.com/esp-rs/esp-idf-svc/blob/master/examples/http_server.rs) (other then specifying AP name no modifications) but when connecting to the AP and attempting to connect to the webserver it times out after 30 seconds... No serial output, no nothing. To be slightly more specific 👇 - mcu esp32-c3 - target riscv32imc-esp-espidf - rust nightly Anybody has any ideas what I might be doing wrong?