* dirbaio: (So sorry for the ping. It is really difficult to follow the `SliceVec` conversation that had happened yesterday as it is intermingled with other stuff... maybe we need threads?) - The verdict (kind of) for now is that `SliceVec` won't be because it is difficult to introduce it in the post 0.8 codebase without _a lot_ of code duplication? - Is there any other reason I'm not seeing which popped up during the conversation? (background: I maintain my own `SliceVec` fork as I need to allocate a very large vec off from memory which is "weird" in that you cannot place `rwdata` inside it; so I need to "alloc" (and actually leak) from there a large `&mut [MaybeUninit]` and then wrap it in my `SliceVec` equivalent. This is the SPIRAM memory of Espressif. )