"from https://docs.rust-embedded..." <- > <@rursprung:matrix.org> from https://docs.rust-embedded.org/embedonomicon/smallest-no-std.html > > > At the time of writing, Rust's main interface makes some assumptions about the environment the program executes in: For example, it assumes the existence of command line arguments, so in general, it's not appropriate for #![no_std] programs. > > so i presume this would need an issue with rust-lang to see if there'd be an option to get a `no_std` `main` about the `main` thingy: there's a nightly rust feature where you can annotate an `fn` as `#[start]`, but that's again specific to calls with arguments (though not bound to `std` but to `core`): https://doc.rust-lang.org/unstable-book/language-features/start.html though i wonder: is there no way to have an `#[entry] fn _main() -> ! { main(); }` defined in the RT crate which calls the `main` from the application using it? in C you'd do that with `extern void main();` in the RT lib and then cross your fingers that the linker does what you expect it to