<Ralph[m]1> "i (still) have an issue with..." <- > <@rursprung:matrix.org> i (still) have an issue with my esp32c6 (on the esp32-c6-devkitc-1 board):
> while i can upload & run software on it (tested using the smart LED which blinks nicely) with either `probe-rs` or `espflash` i do not receive any feedback from the device, regardless of whether i use `defmt` + `defmt_rtt` + `probe-rs` or `esp-println` + `espflash`. even running the `hello_world` example from the `esp-hal` repo (using `cargo esp32c6 --bin hello_world`) doesn't work.
> this is with stable rust (it's a RISCV MCU, so no need for the esp32 toolchain or nightly compiler) and the latest version of all dependencies.
> i have no issues with `defmt` + `defmt_rtt` + `probe-rs` on other (non-ESP) devices (tested with an STM32 & an RP2040).
> does anyone have an idea what the issue might be here / what i can try to get this working? note that using `esp-println` would only be a workaround, i want to standardise on `defmt` to keep my code portable (and not have to think about device-specificas whenever possible).
> i'm connected to the device via the "USB" USB port (and not the "UART" USB port).
> thanks!
> (posting here instead of esp-rs or probe-rs as i don't know exactly what's at fault)

hello world uses the uart, not usb-serial, you should run the usb_serial_jtag example to test that