"hello, as a novice in embedded..." <- > <@oleksandr.kuksenko:matrix.org> hello, as a novice in embedded rust i am trying to run this project https://github.com/rtic-rs/defmt-app-template > > oleks@hp-laptop:~/projects/rtic-app$ cargo run > Compiling test-app v0.1.0 (/home/oleks/projects/rtic-app) > Finished `dev` profile [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.17s > Running `probe-rs run --chip STM32H743VITx target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/debug/minimal` > Erasing ✔ [00:00:01] [##############################################################################################################] 128.00 KiB/128.00 KiB @ 73.56 KiB/s (eta 0s ) > Programming ✔ [00:00:00] [##################################################################################################################] 9.00 KiB/9.00 KiB @ 28.26 KiB/s (eta 0s ) Finished in 2.097s > > as i understand i should see the output from defmt::info!("Hello from task1!"); in the terminal, but it is nothing happens after programming target, please advice what could be the reason You need to put DEFMT_LOG= at the start of the command, can be trace, info, debug, warn, error. ``` DEFMT_LOG=info probe-rs run --chip STM32H743VITx target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/debug/minimal ```