one, i'm not sure i understand how to actually write my testbench, but i *think* after these explanations i do. two, you spend a lot of time in the guide section explaining how to do the non-process case, where you just step forward and then you can use set and get freely. but then you gloss pretty quickly over the "process" version, which is very unalike. `sample` appears once in the guide, and you don't explain it, you don't use it. three, when one does not see the things one needs in the guide section— or if you get too overconfident and just start ctrl-f'ing— `edge`, `delay`, `change` etc *appear* to be convenience methods for tick, but they're very much not. they do something else. the doc sections have the warnings, but… The second and third things are not actually problems I need solved. They are comments on the api/doc.