So there's this code I've got from a sample by Catherine That… I don't 100% understand but it creates the interface the underlying amaranth code conforms to. I'm trying to amend it to work with some third party documentation on my device I want to interact with one input signal and one output signal that exists in core_top already, as guided by that documentation. So I add, around line 520 in core_top.v, ``` .dbg_key_led ( cart_tran_bank0[5] ), .dbg_key_button ( ~cart_tran_bank3[0] ), ``` and add in my amaranth class definition ``` dbg_key_led : Out(1) dbg_key_button : In(1) ``` and I immediately get the error ``` Error (13076): The pin "cart_tran_bank0[5]" has multiple drivers due to the constant driver File: C:/Users/Andi/work/f/analogue-core-template-amaranth/src/fpga/apf/apf_top.v Line: 73 ``` Am I doing something "obviously" wrong here? Is "assign" as in the third party documenter's code magic? Does this look like a sign that something's wonky in the basic library code, and I should go to the device's community and ask for help?