"Hi everyone, I am looking for..." <- > <@mgudel:matrix.org> Hi everyone, I am looking for a low priced general purpose uC for various projects. > Chips like the PY32F003 or CH32V003 seem to be the cheapest one can get (~0.1€), but Rust (and LLVM for RV32EC) support isn't quite there. Everything else like stm32 series or pic32, ATsam, ATmega, ... start at a way higher pricepoint with atleast 1.3€. > Is there anything in between, which has decent rust support and doesn't require much peripheral components (internal oscillator, internal flash, ...)? seems like something one of the markets would be able to let you find easily, e.g. https://www.digikey.com/en/products/filter/embedded/microcontrollers/685?s=N4IgjCBcoGwBwE4qgMZQGYEMA2BnApgDQgD2UA2uHHAEwDMSAusQA4AuUIAymwE4CWAOwDmIAL5jiMZCH4ATTgFowABgisOkECGJsAni3ydMuNBKA