"what binary optimizations do you..." <- Thanks for the tip with the cargo tree, will take a closer look. I remember some of the crates used different versions of the same crates. I love defmt, but also noticed when turning it off improves the size of the binary :D from my `Cargo.toml`, inspired by some other rust audio embedded projects: ```toml [profile.release] codegen-units = 1 debug = true lto = true opt-level = "s" ``` I tried different options for `opt-level`, and `s` is giving the smaller binary right now. I don't personally have generics in my code yet, but yeah, using HAL and peripherals is very heavy on those. The project uses SAI/I2C to talk with the external Audio Codec, have a USB_FS as device for MIDI over USB communication, SDIO, a few ADCs, and a SSD1306 over another I2C for UI. A lot of code is deciphering midi, and audio processing logic. I am trying out an idea on daisy seed, but potentially I will need to graduate the H750 eventually and move to something with more umph. Ideally, I would need to work with 8 channel audio with 48k sampling rate, and the rt deadlines become an issue.