"Okay, thanks already for the..." <- > <@chedra:matrix.org> Okay, thanks already for the replies. > Do I understand this correctly: > embedded-hal is meant to provide simplified access to hardware / interfaces when programming for embedded devices. > The raspberry pi is technically no real embedded / edge device, but instead is considered a full linux machine (in a standard installation). > The library I linked is built upon embedded-hal so it can be used in any context where the embedded-hal traits are implemented. > Since RPPAL already provides a feature that implements the embedded-hal traits, I could use RPPAL to initialize an SPI device and then pass it to the initialization logic of the MFRC522 library. Am I understanding this correctly? > embedded-hal is meant to provide simplified access to hardware I would say, `embedded-hal` is meant to provide *portable* access to hardware. You can write sensor drivers (like for the Mfrc522) without knowing the specific hardware you will use it with (Raspberry Pi, STM32, Nordic nRF52, etc.), and expect it to still work